Specialist in eliminating Myofascial Pain

Elliot R. Shratter, CMTPT

Myofascial Therapist

1916 Griegos Road NW

Albuquerque, NM 87107
Phone: 505-720-8606

Focus on Myofascial Pain

This thumb

can eliminate


When pain is acute, it rules your life.

When gone, it’s forgotten.

Myofascial pain is an extremely common form of musculoskeletal pain that can result when you injure a muscle — or simply suffer from the stresses of dailiy living.


The injury might be from a strain, direct trauma or over use. It could have occurred recently or in the distant past. Sometimes, when the injury heals, the muscle will develop one or more Trigger Points.


A trigger point is a very sensitive area in the muscle that causes pain. Often, the pain is not only at the point of tenderness, but is referred to another area in your body.


Sciatica type pain, for example, can actually be caused by a trigger point in the gluteal muscle which not only causes pain in the buttock, but also down the back of the leg.


Treating the trigger point eliminates the pain. And when you understand what caused it, you’re on your way to helping yourself to prevent its return.


Let's help you forget your pain.


The sole purpose of this site is to provide educational information regarding Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Myofascial Therapy. It is not intended to treat or diagnose medical problems.

©2012-2020  Elliot R. Shratter

Web site by AiH Group, Inc.